Friday 12 June 2015

No negative pregnancy symptoms - other than tiredness

The most surprisingly good thing about this pregnancy is that, in contrast to all other pregnancies, there's been no negative symptoms other than tiredness.

I haven't had:
  • Morning sickness
  • Mood swings
  • Constipation
  • Sore breasts
  • Headaches 
  • And I haven't been needing to go to the bathroom as often as in the past
It's strange. My naturopath told me it's because my body is able to clear toxins, so there's no build up of hormones etc. Thank you 5-methylfolate.  

Not surprisingly, due to lack of symptoms, I worry the baby has miscarried every week and am always shocked to see it's little heart beating. Right now I'm feeling that way, worried. 

Please dear God let it still be alive on Monday.

P.S. Did I mention that I've been loosing weight? Yes. Despite the pregnancy, I've lost 5kg since starting on 5-methylfolate, AND, some of that is from my stomach which is a place I've never lost weight from - not in my life, not even in the skinny-university-days. 


  1. Note: at 11 weeks I'm feeling sick.

    1. For how long did you feel sick/morning sickness? Did vitamins you were on made you feel nauseas?

    2. No, I didn't feel sick on the vitamins. My naturopath said if vitamins make you feel sick you shouldn't take them, your body knows.
