Monday 15 June 2015

Eating organic - a must for MTHFR

So, as an MTHFR sufferer, our bodies can't get rid of toxins the same way normal peoples bodies can,  so it's really important we don't put toxins into it. If you have MTHFR you should do everything you can to be on an organic diet.

Sigh. What an effort. And man, that's expensive.

Yep. Unfortunately we're in the high risk category, so, if we want to live healthy lives, it's something we have do it.

I'm 100% organic at the moment, not sure if that's going to be sustainable, but I've looked at ways of incorporating it into my life with the least effort. To start with I had an hour long chat with a very knowledgeable lady at our local organic shop. She told me that the best foods to buy organic are vegetables, vegetables and fruit with lots of juice/liquid in them, like cucumbers and apples. She said the more liquid equals more pesticides, and pesticides are the thing we want to avoid. So if you're on a budget, just focus on fruit and veges.

I discovered a local organic delivery service who delivers fruit and veges to the door, so I signed up. I also resigned my self to the fact I'm going to spend the rest of my life eating quality food, not quantity. The food is going to cost more, but I'm going to eat less. I'm going to do a major shop at the organic shop once every 2 weeks, and use the local supermarket for everything else.

The Dirty Dozen (actually, the dirty 22) & the Clean Fifteen

Here is a list of the foods to focus on in terms of organic. I was shocked to find that apples have 40+ pesticides sprayed onto them. I was also surprised to find that potatoes are in the dirty dozen:

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