Wednesday, 15 July 2015

MTHFR & pregnant - debate of when to stop Clexane

As mentioned in a previous post, both my obstetrician and my IVF doctor told me to go off Clexane at 12 weeks. My naturopath said to test for folate, homoststine, and thyroid first, and if they are healthy then it's OK to go off. Reading online, and hearing from others online, it seems there is debate about going off Clexane when you have MTHFR.

So I felt in a bit of a pickle, and have continued taking Clexane as it has no adverse affects on the pregnancy. I will continue until 20 weeks.

My blood test results came back, they were:

  • My Vit B12 and folate at a good healthy level, which is great.
  • My TSH (thyroid) is at 3.8 – My naturopath said "a little higher than we would like it – in pregnancy it should ideally be below 2.0. At the level it is now, your thyroid appears to be functioning on the low side of normal."
    She recommend that I talk to my GP/midwife/obstetrician about it and see if they feel it  important to give a low dose of thyroxine. Otherwise, she recommend taking an extra 100mcg of iodine.
    I spoke to my obstetrician who said the TSH was in the normal range and that hCG are directly tied to the thyroid. So she wasn't worried.
    My naturopath then said, "Holistic therapists do look at  thyroid results differently to most doctors. But if she and you are happy with the results that is fine – I would however suggest you increase your iodine levels to ensure you are having a total of 200- 250mcg per day."
  • Homocysteine - 5.2 (The optimal range is 5-7.) My naturopath says this  means I am currently methylating well and hopefully it means less risk to the pregnancy. This makes it a bit easier to make the decision to go off Clexane at 20 weeks. She said if I still wanted a natural blood thinning alternative (without the side effects), she recommends Nattokinase. See

I had heard that folate levels can sometimes appear normal with MTHFR but not be, so I asked my naturopath about that as well. She said, "Yes, it is true that the folate level is not really indicative of the true levels of red cell folate – however, if they come back really high, that sometimes shows you are not absorbing the folate – so at least this is not happening. You could always ask for a red cell folate test next time instead of the usual test that they do." 
She said "it is probably best to take the clexane till 20 weeks. We can also check your homocysteine level at this point to see if all is well before you go off blood thinners." 

So there we have it. I'm still taking Clexane, though I really hate it, so have dropped back to taking it once every 2 days. 

It's really hard with all the conflicting information and lack of knowledge doctors have. Maybe this might help someone out there? 

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