Saturday 9 May 2015

Morning Sickness

I have been pregnant so many times I've become acutely aware of how morning sickness feels.

I can usually tell if I'm pregnant or not 5 days after IVF implantation. A couple of times my IVF pregnancy test has come back negative, but I know I was pregnant based on how I was feeling (just an early loss).

My morning sickness feeling was different to nauseous, it was like my body was anxious and discontent. Like it was screaming out for me to eat something, but I wasn't sure what... And nothing I did eat would make it go away. In recent miscarriages, I could tell the day I had miscarried based on this feeling. 

This time, with my new active folate and vitamin B medication, I was convinced I wasn't pregnant. I felt completely normal after IVF, with no 'morning sickness' feeling what so ever. You can imagine the reaction when the nurse told me I was positive over the phone... 

Now I am 5 weeks, and still no 'morning sickness', which is extremely unusual for me. I have experienced a little nauseous in the car, very mild. The feeling is very different to before. I wonder if this is because before, my body was deficient and it was screaming out for what it needed, and because it didn't get what it needed it miscarried.

It's an interesting thought.

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