Wednesday 2 December 2015

34 weeks

Met with the midwife, all well.

Am feeling very stressed though cause last week I had a whooping cough vaccination... Now I'm paranoid that maybe I shouldn't have.

I made sure I had lots of folate at the time and after, but what if...

I was trying to balance the risk of autism vs the baby getting whooping cough. Both are not good scenarios. I don't want to vaccinate baby until at least 3 months, if not later, so that's a long period to not be protected from whooping cough and apparently there's a lot around. I thought it would be best if I made sure I was metheylating, then used my body rather than baby's to pass on immunity. Really hope it was the right decision.

Thing that's making me paranoid is day of/after my vaccination the baby stopped moving as much. Apparently at this age they slow down cause they run out of space, so praying that is the reason. Please, please don't let me have made the wrong decision.

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